Proiectele fotovoltaice C&I pe acoperiș devin din ce în ce mai populare datorită costurilor reduse de întreținere, beneficiilor ecologice și rentabilității atractive ale investiției. Datorită apariției tehnologiilor inovatoare de energie regenerabilă și a reglementărilor progresive de mediu, piața fotovoltaică de acoperiș explodează la nivel...
Press Release
Repairing Bending PV Modules with Ascent XL
Ascent XL has been designed to provide a fast and easy solution to the problem of PV module bending. This mounting system is compatible with large panels, and it can also be attached to existing installations to fix the bending of the module.
GEMINOX Enters the Greek Market
GEMINOX is very proud and excited to announce its entry into the Greek energy market. As a supplier of photovoltaic equipment, GEMINOX is committed to providing direct and consistent solutions for high-quality energy production and storage.
GEMINOX is excited to announce the availability of a new product by CLENERGY: PV-ezRack® ezShade 2.0 solar parking solution.
GEMINOX, a leading provider of solar energy solutions, has achieved the unimaginable in just six months of activity in the field. In 2022, GEMINOX sold over 100 MW of PV equipment and became the master distributor of Clenergy mounting systems. It also obtained Huawei Enterprise Silver Partner certification for PV Smart and established...
Ioana Fechete
Marketing Manager
Tel: (+4) 0755 324 111